速報APP / 教育 / Maths Games For Kids 3-5

Maths Games For Kids 3-5



檔案大小:83.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Maths Games For Kids 3-5(圖1)-速報App

• Developed and built to fully support the UK National Curriculum

• Designed to help children learn outside of the classroom

• Makes learning an open-ended fun activity

• No third party links or advertising

• Allows children to learn and explore in a safe, secure environment

• Produced in close collaboration with UK teachers and schools

EduGuru Maths is aimed perfectly at 3-5 year olds and gives them a balance of teaching and instruction, with cute animations, to help develop their basic maths skills including:

+ Addition

- Subtraction

x Multiplication

÷ Division

EduGuru Maths gives children a fun-learning jumpstart on the formal maths teaching that starts in school and compliments the simple math skills that parents can introduce through their daily routines. The animations are fun and the variety of quick activities ensure children will be entertained while learning!

Maths Games For Kids 3-5(圖2)-速報App


• Counting 1-10-20 (Cosmic Counting, Meadow Maths)

• Number recognition & ordering (Cosmic Counting)

• Addition & subtraction (Meadow Maths)

• Matching, doubling, halving and sharing (Space Solver)

• UK/English coins, money & values (Money Pig)

• Minutes & hours (Captain Clock)

• Telling the time (Captain Clock)

• Shapes & sequences (Cosmic Counting, Shape Sort, Match Up)

• Colours (Shape Sort, Match Up)

• Size, weight, distance & position (Fishing Fun, Match Up)

Importantly, as children progress through the games, they are rewarded and motivated to continue learning with EduGuru trophies and medals.

Maths Games For Kids 3-5(圖3)-速報App

EduGuru Maths contains no third party links or advertising, allowing children to learn and explore (either with or without their parents, depending on their age) in a safe and secure environment.

EduGuru Maths is available as a FREE download with in-app purchases that are clearly explained, or a paid-for app.

EduGuru Maths is the first in a series of educational apps, developed and built to fully support the UK National Curriculum. EduGuru Apps for English, Science and Art will be available shortly. They are all designed to help children learn outside of the classroom, stimulate their imagination and make learning an open-ended fun activity.

EduGuru has been designed in close collaboration with teachers and schools, and follows and fully supports the UK National Curriculum. This means that parents can be sure that children playing EduGuru Apps are experiencing and practising learning skills in accordance with the recommendations of early childhood experts.

Cute and basic animations guide children through the key topics in the Early Years Foundation Stage, which sets the standards for the learning, development and care of pre-school children in England; the Foundation Phase in Wales; and the Early Years Foundation in Scotland.


EduGuru Maths has been developed and produced by The Game Creators, a privately owned UK company, established in 1999. The Game Creators have an in-depth understanding of consumer & educational software, having worked for one of the top 5 software publishers in the UK. One of their key products was ‘Fun School’ which sold over 2 million units in the UK in the 90s. It was translated to 15 languages and licensed in Europe, US and Asia.

Maths Games For Kids 3-5(圖4)-速報App

They also created and produced the computer game for Art Attack, the top selling educational product in the UK (before Disney owned it). The highly successful ‘Klik’n Play’ and ‘Click & Create’, were two of the very first game creator brands.

In creating EduGuru, The Game Creators have focused on the development of child-friendly applications for iPhone and iPad. Their collaborative approach includes more than 100 designers, coders, artists and programmers; all dedicated to providing children with the highest quality educational experience possible.

Maths Games For Kids 3-5(圖5)-速報App

支援平台:iPhone, iPad